Thanks for making the click over here to check things out; however, at this time I am not taking on new clients.
Keep checking back for updates as to when my schedule will again permit adding new yous to the queue. If you have any questions go ahead and email me at I promise to respond.
For a list of designers who do custom work and just may be taking on new clients, head here. (Thanks for putting that together, Lyndsay; very helpful!)
Also available from the mind of a knucklehead:
Does your blog want to be pretty and skinny like the cool kids? Well, here's its chance.Time to talk about the KnuckleHeaders (again with the stupid name) Skinnies: a svelte physique for one sexy little blog.
Think: panache.
What's a little different about these Skinnies as opposed to other blog skins boasting their own beauty, is that with these, depending on your price preferences, you can either have a Skinny built from scratch per your direction (with a matching header) or have one of the Sample Skinnies to the left personalized with your header information. Option's yours. How charming!
(For a look at some Sample Skinnies*, look to the left and scroll to your hearts' content. Note that all Sample Skinnies are built to the specs of Blogger's two-column Minima template. Doesn't mean your custom Skinny has to be; you 'n me, we can put something together for any Blogger template's particulars.However, all Sample Skinnies will be in the 660px width of Minima.)
For pricing, email me and we'll chat about your blog dreams and aspirations.
Ah, and what's especially neat (and somewhat stupid on my part) is that the HTML code for these skins doesn't include a cocky little claim of KnuckleHeaders' ownership posted on your blog. My gift to you: your blog gets to look like it belongs only to you, not to the design crew who created its background.
Note: Skinnies only compatible with Blogger blogs.
In addition to the Headers and Skinnies, KnuckleHeaders can be handy with Blogger template troubles.
A WARNING OF SORTS: The following is a bit of reading. But I suggest that you do go over it, as it's all valuable information, and really, it won't take you but a minute or two.
Let's get this out of the way right now: I will not recreate any of the Skinnies to the left. Not even with this little change or that little alteration. I'm flattered as can be if you really like one or two Skinnies and would give your firstborn for that exact (or slightly altered) design, but I ain't gonna do it. Unique is the name of the game, and I'm terribly sorry if that breaks your stock heart.
So emails that say things like "Oh I simply love that Snickety Skinny with the lemon! Can you do one just like that for me only with cherries?" will be promptly trashed. I'm over it. I already did that Skinny. I want to do somethin' new now. Trust me, you'll really like this about me.
Also in the interest of full disclosure, you should know that this is my hobby. I have a day job I love that has nothing to do with design.
So if you hire me to spruce up your space you'll be getting time that is made of evenings. (But mostly not weekends, as I need to try to maintain some semblance of a life (my family thanks you for you understanding.))
Ask any previous client--this doesn't mean that it will take for-ev-r for you to get your stuff (I'm actually quite zippy), it just means that if you send me an email over the weekend it may be that it's a few days until you hear from me.
Congratulate me, for while you're not hearing back from me over a weekend, I'm out in the world amassing ideas that will end up benefitting you.
Another Sampling: She's the master chef. I help with the other stuff.
Yo. Ask permission, not forgiveness. It's lame if you reproduce any of these designs or create some mimicry without my permission. If I used a stock image, I bought it; I deserve the same kind of consideration.